Crema or CREative MAking for Lifelong Learning is a 3 year ERASMUS+ project (2019–2022)
Project leader is The Regional Museum of Skåne from Sweden.
Project partners are Finish Museums Association, Museum of Copenhagen, Hungarian Open Air Museum, Creative Museum, Radiona, BAM! Strategie Culturali.
Crema project explores the concept of makerspace* in relation to museums
Museums can be surprisingly effective resource for creative making. Developing products and services with high added value using museum collections is a growing trend, yet there is little know-how and methodological help for museums at hand. How to build and manage well-functioning maker space in a museum at the intersection of art, culture, science and technology? Through mapping the best practice, developing and testing innovative working methods, this project aims at learning how to make better use of museum collections for creative making as part of the overall Erasmus+ lifelong learning assignment. The far-reaching aim of the project is improved museums services that deliver new skills and competences which can assist adults to stay creative throughout their lifetimes. Encouraging creative and entrepreneurial spirit across generations and developing guidelines for creative making in connection with museum collections are among the objectives of the Crema project.
*Makerspace is a community based space where people meet, connect, collaborate, share, and socialize based on their mutual and common interests in the areas of technology, new media, hybrid and digital arts, science, innovation, arts & crafts and creativity.