The Creative making, museums and lifelong learning
The Creative making, museums and lifelong learning event was held in Helsinki on 11 October 2022 at the Theatre museum. The essence of the event was to spread the methods developed and guidelines produced in the CREMA-project to a wider audience. The recording of the event is now available on Youtube.
How to build a makerspace?
Deborah Hustic, Creative Director Radiona - Zagreb Makerspace
Engaging non-finnish speaking public
Erja Salo, Head of Learning and Public Programmes and Zara Asgher, interdisciplinary visual artist and educator, The Finnish museum of photography
"Learning together". Examples from Hotel and Restaurant Museum
Merja Nummi, Head of audience development, Hotel and Restaurant Museum
“I CAN DO ANYTHING". Theater methods working with adults with disabilities in Erasmus+ project (In)different Journey and recreational wellbeing for work communities in Working well?
Siiri Ervasti, Freelancer, Theatre Museum